well, NY has great parks, and wonderful natural places, like Little Neck bay, and the whole ocean front and atlantic beaches, and it has botanical gardens with a few acres of virgin forest, but Farms? the only farms i know are exhibits in museums! (there is one working farm left in all of NYC, and it is in Queens, but its only a few acres, the family also owns a farm out on the Island, and uses the NY one mostly to sell "farm fresh produce" that is actually produced on their Long Island farm.)

The only earth moving equipment i see, is as i zoom past road construction sites.. but bob cat like thing are used to excavate foundation for houses.. often bigger equipment can't manuover on small NYC lots.. (i have a huge peice of land (well for the moment, i have agreed to sell it!) a whole 80 X 100 feet! ) many houses in my neighborhood are on lots sized 20 X 100!