This has been an interesting discussion to follow, but it has become repetitive. People still occupy their original positions and are just enlarging, very ably, on their arguments.
I can’t help reflecting that just because there is a problem that doesn’t mean there is a solution. There are far too many variables in this situation to be able to truly predict the outcome of selecting any of the choices that exist. Just because we hold an opinion strongly doesn’t make it right, it is still only an opinion. However well informed we may think it, it is not fact. Public discussion (not just on AWAD!) can be a very useful way of discovering what the general consensus of the population is, but there is no magic in democracy that makes that consensus correct, although it may become the only choice that will be supported. I am grateful that I don’t have to make a choice – that’s what we elect able politicians for after all. Now that
is a worrying thought
