In northern england (i.e Yorkshire/Lancashire) the term "clout", meaning either cloth or clothing (depending on context) is still not uncommon, and two hundred years ago would have been the usual term to use.

I can't, for the life of me, remember the word used for "a blow; a buffet," up North. Possibly "bat", although I associate that word in that context with the North Midlands (Nottinghamshire/Leicestershire - e.g., "Shut oop or I'll bat tha tabs" [Keep silence or I shalt administer a blow to thine ears.])

Certainly not "buffet" - in Yorkshire, this means a small stool! (sometimes used for the large, solid cushion-like piece of furniture known as a "pouffe" in southern England.)

EDIT: Just noticed that my title now matches my age. Hrrrmph! (forgive me borrowing your copyright, AnnaS)