well, that was an odd round. as most of you have prolly sussed by now, a retiarius was (f) a Roman gladiator who carried a net with which to entangle his adversary.

number "i", which was "quashed for coming too close for comfort" was actually submitted by teD and read something like this in its original form: A net of metal rings used as a weapon by a gladiator. imagine my initial confusion when teD then proceded to vote for something other than "f".

the following exchange eventually unmuddied the waters, somewhat:

teD: I just voted and then went and looked up retiarius. Didn't I send you a definition that said it was the net used by a gladiator? I am SO confused.

tsuwm: [paraphrasing] yep, that's the one that was quashed. so how come you didn't vote for the actual def'n? gosh, being hogmasterŪ is sure a load of laughs.

teD: The reason i did NOT vote for I was because I could not remember exactly what I wrote (and of course we don;t have copies of our own PMs here).

But I want to assure you that I did NOT know what retiarius really was and I used the root word rete to come up with the definition I sent you. I was gobsmacked to find out how close I was to reality.

I voted for N because I figured that F was what I had sent or was very close to it, and I knew that F wasn't right because I MADE THE DAMNED THING UP!!!

So I guessed N.

Yes, being Hogwash master IS a load of laughs. Of course being a player is too!