The use of smileys is both adolescent and
indicative of low IQ. Oh, really? Cite source please!
In the case of the exclamation mark
I encourage members to consult Fowler
on its use.While you are looking things up, refer to pedant
One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules.
One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously.
Obsolete. A schoolmaster.
[French pédant or Italian pedante (Frenchfrom Italian), possibly from Vulgar Latin *paedçns, *paedent-, present participle of *paedere, to instruct, probably from Greek paideuein, from pais, paid-, child. Perhaps I find myself at the wrong website. Shouldn't that have a ? at end and not a . (she asked pedantically ?)
pe·dan'ti·cal·ly adv.
SYNONYMS pedantic, academic, bookish, donnish, scholastic. These adjectives mean marked by a narrow, often tiresome focus on or display of learning and especially its trivial aspects: a pedantic writing style; an academic insistence on precision; a bookish vocabulary; donnish refinement of speech; scholastic and excessively subtle reasoning.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. You are most welcome here ! You will find that a keen sense of the absurd is a necessity.