No, I don't think you are so dense that you do not understand what's going on. You just want to cause trouble. I will go back to your open letter to Anu Garg. You did not post that for any constructive purpose. You are a destroyer, but you are not going to destroy this board. Had you wanted to have a constructive dialog with Mr. Garg you would have posted a private message or sent him an email. But, no, you had to post that shit in public where you knew what kind of a negative reaction you were going to get. You whined like a four-year-old, help me or suffer the consequences. Well, Ken, as far as I am concerned you can take those consequences and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.

And don't think you can come back under a different persona without people realizing it.

Every time you come back, whether you identify yourself as Keiva or remain anonymous, no matter what userid you are posting under, you are going to be cut off at the knees. NO ONE in a position of authority on this board is ever going to say to you, "Be nice now or you're outta here." Nor are they under an obligation to do so. All they will do is act. And whether that act is to cut off your new userid or to cut off the address from which you are posting, the result is going to be the same. You will be on the outside looking in, all the time knowing that you can no longer thrust yourself upon an unwilling audience to continue your vituperative, divisive ways.

Why do you persist in butting your head against a brick wall? Why? Go start your competing board and see how many people show up. I predict that the silence will be deafening.

And please, threaten me with a lawsuit so I have a good reason to report your activites to the Discipline Committee of the Illinois Bar Association. I am calling your bluff. You are a coward and a bully, Ken Spector. Now do as all cowards eventually do and run away from your betters.