Keiva here. Someone is preventing me from posting under that name, and similarlly blocks any obvious variant I try.

The last Anu told me, I am allowed to post on this board.¹ But someone -- acting anonymously, sub rosa, without revealing his/her identity -- is setting the AWAD software to block me anyway , in a different way.² That person is thus trying to evade whatever responsibility (if any) that (s)he may have for that act of blocking me. It is clearly personal for when I take a new name and identify myself, some unknown person soon blocks that new name too.

In short, that person has hacked Anu's board and taken it over, to impose their own wishes regardless of Anu's. That is disrespect to Anu, I trust Anu will take vigorous steps to purge the person and the act.

For the only other possibility (not to be lightly believed) is that though it is Anu who blocks me (or has someone else do it for him), he uses anonymity to duck any responsibility for doing so.


¹ His PM: [title]Welcome back[/title] -- Happy words to you!

² I get this message -- not the same one as when Jackie set a ban -- when I try to post as "keiva":
We cannot proceed.
We cannot complete your request. The reason reported was:
The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host.
This is not necessarily an error. If you feel this is an error then it could be something as simple as your browser not being set to accept cookies.
Note: the problem is not in my browser, for I can post under a newly created name like this one.