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On the chance that somebody here really does like math and understands mathematical terms well...

Mathematics ... so unappreciated! There are so many wonderful mathematical terms for wordlovers to enjoy, either because the concepts that they express are so interesting, or else the words themselves are cool, such as "zeroth," the ordinal version of "zero." Not a bad word to have handy in a game of Scrabble, I imagine. Then there's "zepto," a prefix meaning 10 raised to the (-21st) power. (Perhaps not eligible in Scrabble as a mere prefix, but might merge well with "gram" or "meter.")

Then there's the lowly "e," perhaps the most common letter in English writing, and a mere 1 point in Scrabble, but in math it denotes the number equal to about 2.718281828, which is mostly notably the number for which the equation f(x)=a^x is equal to its own derivative. Granted, that sounds dry at first, but it means that functions expressed in those terms can go through derivations as easily as a ambassador with diplomatic priveliges can go through Customs. And how fascinating that e=(1/0!)+(1/1!)+(1/2!)+(1/3!)+(1/4!)+....

Of course that leads us to "!" which has nothing to do with surprise or alarm, but rather the factorial of a number, where 4!=1 x 2 x 3 x 4, and 5!=1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 and so on. I admit that I can hardly see the term 6! without thinking "SIX!" before I remember, "oh, um..I mean, uh, six factorial."