Ahhhh, at last a motto for AWAD.
Stolen, I must admit from my Great-grand-Aunt, a Mother Superior in the Order of The House of Good Sherherd.
She had - I am told _ a bell and a plaque at her door which said (Latin scholars please correct spelling/grammar etc)

"Si non convivare, noli tintinare"

Loosely translated "If you are not convivial do not ring."

(I've neen told it was put to more corrupt uses in the '60s) Be that as it may, I am sure the Good Mother meant convivial in the best sense of the word.

I may obtain a suitablel bell and plaque with those words for the door to the AWAD arboreal fane wherein may be found surcease from sadness, salve for the spirit, laughter, love and affection for all who come in the spirit of conviviality.
Your High Priestess

Thank you, Geoff