Yankees just fashion themselves as being more 'enlightened' than us rednecks. They, like some on this board, feel as though the number of syllables one uses to describe something is a direct representation of their smarts. They thinks theys better than us!!

O, gee whiz, Chem ... I sure do hope you are joking. I am a damyankee but, Some of my name-relatives settled in 'Bama and some in Maryland.
Years ago, in my youth we called soft drinks "tonic" until we learned better from you southern gentelmen who were in the services and stationed up North in WWII.
Now you mostly hear soda or soda-pop otherwise it's by the name Coke for Coca-Cola Orange, Slice, Root Beer (or sometimes just Hires the best root beer brand) etc etc.

To me the real American spirit is *not "You are equal to me."
Rather it is "I am equal to you."

Deep huh?