a coke and gun store?
I din't know coke was legal in 'bama!

No Whit-o, the only thing we sniff in Alabama is snuff. I'm talking about the Real Thing, Georgia's gift to the world that taught the world to sing, the stuff you mix with your bourbon when the creek runs muddy - Coca Cola. We of the southern south once called all soft drinks "dope". Now we call all soft drinks "coke". We just can't seem to use that somewhat prissy yankee expression "soft drink", maybe in the next generation, after all we already say - "Hard Liquor"

No Whit-o, our coke in Alabama is as legal as the fine array of assault weapons that decorate the walls of the store in Wegufga.

Post addition: Chem, Andy was being nice and delivering a new stove to a widow woman schoolteacher whose stove went out and GE's servive to Wegufga is nonexistent. I went with him because I like to ride and drink and talk to people about the geology and history of rural Alabama. For example did you know that a highly eroded half mile meteor impact crater is can be discerned in Wetumpka. Once the impact was dated at 80,000,000 years before the present but recent studies have suggested that it was a detached piece of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs.