I play a PC game where one assumes the identity of a character and goes around the world stomping out evil, acquiring new items, and gaining experience. In this particular world my character is a "Bard" which means that he sings songs that are beneficial to him and his friends and detrimental to his enemies. He also hacks at the baddies with his two swords (because one is never enough.)
Now, the question. Way back when I created my character I named him Malische. I have no idea where I came up with that, so don't ask :) Now Malische has advanced to the level where I get to choose a surname for him. It should sound good and it can be humorus or intimidating. Can you all give suggestions? I would love something musical or storyish (read: Bardic) but that is not a requirement. The only real rules are that the name cannot reference any real world people/places/things and cannot already be taken by someone else.
Here are a couple to get you started:
Malische Malefic
Malische Lachrymose
Malische Tunebender
Thanks for your help!