Curse? I doan fear no steenkin' curse!

O' yes you doan do Consue, but somehow this curse looses the beauty, the spirit of expression, when it is rendered in spanish. Listen...

Mayo sus setas sean cuartos de baño para los sapos esos allí sobre se sientan. Y pueden sus potteries ser potties para las serpientes y las moscas y escupir. doesn't have quite the bite or sincerity of meaning.
So now I offer the curse in it's original native tongue...

May your mushrooms be bathrooms
For toads that there do sit.
And may your potteries be potties
For snakes, and cats, and spit.

See, you do care about curses don't you?


Friends?...once again...friends? What? You do? Oooohyeah! O'thank you dumerator you sho' look good to me!
