quick as a wink.
slow as poke.
tea so strong a mouse could walk on it.
Tight as a tick.
Thick as a plank.
Dumb as a rock.
Sick as a dog.
Sly as a fox.
Loose as a goose.
Sharp as a tack.
Bright as a penny.
Slick as spit.
Thin as a rail.
Fat as a goose.

Notice how many involve animals like : dog tired?
Got any to add to the animal list?

And if you want your very own real old fashion bread box --They really do keep bread fresh longer -- you can get one at The Vermont Country Store along with a lot of great things you can't hardly get anymore. The catalogues are more fun than a comic book.

It occurs to me that these are totally out of Helen's proposed context.
I think I will go have my nap now.