<<I have refrained...>>

With respect for the board, its founder and membership; with respect for the member to whose specific post this is attached:

All of us are sorely tempted to respond to the blatant absurdity at the top of this thread. The blatant absurdity at the top of this thread begs us to respond. The blatant absurdity at the top of this thread is a device intended to draw us to respond. That is why responses to it cannot and will not help. We have all seen enough vituperatives. Given the provocations the desire to express rage is perfectly understandable. But expressions of rage in the form of replies to these provocations will not mend the forum but only harm it.

There is a discussion going on elsewhere about what is right. In the instance of the present thread, I believe not to fuel the flames is right. To mend the forum is right. To attend to the discussions that are the purpose of this board is right. To ignore provocateurs is right. To cut threads such as the present one short is right.

It is understood by all of us that this forum may suffer another barage once Wordapalooza is over. We can deal with that then if we remember why we are here. In the meantime, it would be better that none of us ressurect a monster.

We are not here to fight. We are here for the sake of positive and interesting and friendly discourse. Let's not lend ourselves to sabotage nor invest our energies in malice. Let's simply ignor the agents of malice here, and get on with the business of commeraderie.

And let us agree to end this thread here. At the very least, insofar as it relates to its originating, destructive and bating topic.

With all respect and in friendship,