
I have refrained (though it has been difficult at times) from getting wrapped around the axle in this ongoing unpleasantness. But this is the last straw.

I sincerely believe that you need to consult a mental health professional who can help you deal with whatever devils are eating you alive from the inside.

Even if it is true that you received a death threat, which I must state for the record I doubt, to imply that those who are going to attend this weekend's gathering share the sentiment of the person who made the threat is an exemplification of a level of paranoia which cries out for intervention. I cannot help but believe that the sole purpose of your post about death threats is designed solely to cast a pall over a party to which you were not invited and at which you are apparently most unwelcome.

I also note for the record that you do not state that you will leave the board, only that while the gathering is "pending" you will not be posting. Of course that's a total non sequitur, since if there truly were a death threat (which I doubt very much) you would not put such a time limit on your hiatus.

Ken, I sincerely believe you need professional help. I urge you to get it.

TEd Remington