why do i think this is trick 7-- when you are confronted with a truth, one you can't counter, or move away from, i.e., you were banned from here, and forced your way back in, by threatening Anu and Jackie, suddendly, amazingly, something even more terrible happens to you.

we saw your little threat.. it was in a different thread, and it didn't garner you much sympathy, did it?
so now, you make a big dramatic comeback, how you are being threatened..

you know, this trick is getting old, but i guess you pulled out the gut wrencher of the shooting in your childrens school already, and then had your wife do it again right after Jackie's heart felt post. and now, when it is becoming clear to every one how manipulative you are, out comes Trick 7again, with its classic change of subject, and you once again, are the oppressed one, the hurt one.

how many times do you think we are going to fall for it? do you think we are stupid?
telling you to 'drop dead' is not a death threat, except in your own mind.

purely in the interest of deterring violence. The police will be notified Do any of the Chicago papers carry a column called the police blotter? maybe we can find the report, and send it to jay leno for his headlines segment.. he is alway looking for stories like this... man called the police to report someone told him to 'drop dead', is frightened for life.

and last i checked, chicago is almost a 4 hour drive away.. you are hardly down the road! so relatively near my home is something like your kind of rational discussion... you clearly don't have any idea what either is!