[it's all there, courtesy of Mr. Nash]

Not quite "all-Nash", Whit; you've changed the last couple of lines and changed the meaning 180 degrees.

Here it is accurately, with a bit of the prior text for context:
.....Even love unending, love undying,
.....Finds the loved one’s Patience trying.
.....Let two-and-fifty rivals hiss me-
.....For God’s sake, girl, come here and kiss me!

But Whit, in your case please forego kissing me, thank you!

Ha, ha. Look everyone! Kenny's quoting songs again. That didn't take long did it? And your last comment wasn't very funny, Kenny. In fact I think it was pretty sexist, Kenny boy. Are you a sexist on top of being a racist and a bigot? It sure read that way. I think you've just made a vicious slur against Whitman O'Neil by insinuating his sexuality and you'll be in big trouble unless you apologise quickly. You think I'm joking?