In support of Dr. Bill's request:

You, sir, Keiva, have long since condemned yourself here to the Ogden Nashing of teeth...


by Ogden Nash (in parody)

O Keiva with the Flaming Flair,
Why do you play at solitaire?
What imp, what demon misanthrope,
Prompted this session of lonely hope?

What boredom drives you, and great Lord!
How can such as you be bored?
The gleaming world awaits your eye
While you essay futility.
That mouth is shaped for livelier sport
Than paging of a pasteboard court-
Why, even the red knave longing lingers,
While Black Queens wait, in those white fingers.
See now the joy that lights your face
Squandered on some fortuitous ace,
Where formerly dark anger burned
When a five perverse would not be turned.
O, know you not, that darkling frown
Could topple Caesar’s empire down;
That quick, bright joy, if flashed on men,
Could sudden build it up again?
Get up! Get up! Throw down the pack!
Rise in your gown of shining black!
Withdraw now, sir, while you are able
The slender feet from ‘neath the table;
Remove from the regretful baize
The elbows curved in cunning ways.
Is there no game that pleasure brings
But fretting over painted things?
No gay, ecstatic end in view
But shuffle and begin anew?

Get up, I tell you, man, get up!
Wine keeps not ever in the cup;
Even love immortal, love undying,
Finds the loved one’s Patience trying.
When two-and-fifty rivals hiss you-
For God’s sake, Keiva, leave the milieu!

[no riposte required; it's all there, courtesy of Mr. Nash]