Adam, just since I know this is parbably coming to you in a "different form", I thought I'd make my intentions and sense of humor clear (for your sake)... as these are the words I used directed at you in my last few posts.
I have a american speaker question for adam, but the queen is looking quite spiffy in her new outfit that I should be paying attention instead of asking the *proverbial unanswerable question. As I'm standing next to my girlfreind (the queen) on a warm summer day... I'm being tempted to distract myself from this conversation, as it holds little (and even less, now) appeal compared to the mini-skirt she is wearing. She was watching me type this.
I understand your concern, adam. It seems as if your inconsistant use/nonuse of contractions suggest you are *pulling our leg* about your inability to use, understand or hear the English language, but, then again, that's not what we speak here, anyway. This is a pretty clear explaination of what *occurred, certainly not an attack.
Adam, it is *statements like this, which show a lack of respect for our intelligence made under the precept of "with all respect", that makes us a little "suspicious". Again, this doesn't refer to anything adam said, but rather a simple description of my perspective, which by this time he/she deserved. (I'll bet it's a "he"

Hey adam, suspicious is pronounced "sa - spi - shus". Although a bit "tounge-in-cheek, I seemed pretty helpful to me!
I hope this whole thing was helpful for you too, Keiva. It seems like the kind of structure you're familiar with.