The equalizer is simply showing ...
No ma'am. I raise the question of whether equalizer, dissatisfied with my presence, is therefore entitled to bring it up
incessantly and in inflammatory language. In other words, whether the end justifies the means.

He/she is welcome to an opinion of whether I should be here. Does that justify such speech in an attempt to
enforce that opinion? Or are there proper civilized means to conduct discussion even if one believes (rightly or
wrongly), as does equalizer, that one's opponent is in the wrong?

I suggest that decent human beings simply do not speak that way, regardless of provocation. Read equalizer's
words, and see what you think.

Would you want to be in the same room with someone who talks that way?

Kenny, kenny, kenny. What a lot to reply to!!! But why don't you address me yourself? Are you afraid of me, Kenny babes? Why is that? I don't hate you Kenny. I want to be your friend. Really I do. Don't you want to be my friend too? I hope so because you are so much fun to have around and I'm not finished having fun with you yet. You deride everyone else but me and you fight with them too. Fight with me, Kenny boy. Or have you met your match?

I don't use incessantly inflammatory language Kenny. You should look those two words up because you obvioulsy don't know what they mean. If I were to use incessant language then I would never stop, would I? But I do! And I am hardly inflammatory all of the time, am I, if I am not incessant? Get your facts right, Kenny boy and start to learn a little English if you are going to address me. You are a Pooh-Bah now so you should really have reached a standard but you clearly haven't. All of yoru posts have been stupid limericks, songs and blow-hard statements about how great you think you are and how little you think of everyone else. Dumb-schmuck that you are you can't see that you are the little insignificant man. Look up today's word of the day, Kenny boy. It fits you like a glove.

Well, Kenny. You want me to address you civilly after all you've said and done on the forum in the past year or so? You say that you have acted civilly but you haven't. All your civility has been a sham and you are just plain rude so there is no need for me to be nice to you. You are a bad man and I will treat you the way that you deserve. Oh, and I have never spoken to you so get your facts right, Kenny. I use a keyboard to convey my words.

You're right, though. I don't know anyone on this forum who could abide being in the same room as you (except for your lovely wife Youwhine - but how she can stand being in your presence for long is anyone's guess). Just the thought of it turns my stomach.