When I can decipher your subterfuge and figure out what exactly your rambling amounts to, I'll have a better idea of what is diverting. In the meantime, I guess I'll compile a list of all the threads YOU have "DIVERTED" from. You seem to think it's quite acceptable to go rushing in to interrupt any thread you choose, at whim, to champion your pathetic cause - relevant or not. I'd expect though that you WON'T answer my question - either of them. It's all the rest of us who are answerable to you, apparently, while you clutter the board with reposts.

are there proper civilized means to conduct discussion even if one believes (rightly or wrongly), as does equalizer, that one's opponent is in the wrong?

Sure. I guess if one is incapable of listening to others, if one is incapable of an original thought, then the proper way to discuss is to post nonsequiturs and quotes and other such nonsense. Or one could just wave words like "lawsuit" around. That's proper. Decent, too?????

In the meantime, it appears you've set yourself up as the chief authority on "decency". When I recover from choking with laughter, I'll start compiling my list.