#6: Re: The beatings will continue till the morale improv: You enjoy these beatings, don't you? The beatings feel good to you because you do not like yourself, do you? You need psychotherapy, but you cannot bring yourself to seek it out because you would rather feel the sting of disgust you come here compulsively to feel again and again.

Too right, archedbrow! If I were Keiva, I'd hate myself too. I bet he likes these beatings because he was bullied at school or he was beaten by his father or something. Don't you think? He's told us that his nom-de-plume was taken after his grandfather. Why not dear daddy? Was he not nice to you? Did he hurt poor Kenny??

Keiva has this urge to inflict his pain on everyone else and he expects us to lie down and take it. If he's not having a good time then nobody else will, that's for sure. Fighting back makes him feel superior but you are not superior, Ken. You are one sad excuse for a man, inventing your invisible friends and alter egos with which you use to converse and which you use to purport support for what you deem discrimination from the other members of the forum. You are not to be pitied you funny little man. You are laughable and your attempts to woo us by quoting latin and using quotes from songs and making up limericks are like a lonely child trying to impress an adult. How pathetic and utterly sad you are. Oh, yes. And if we don't listen to you then you throw a tantrum and cry foul by attacking our board members and even Anu who has given us this board for free. And if we challenge you you go all silent and say 'is there any point to what you are saying'?

And don't give me your legal mumbo-jumbo, Ken. You're not a lawyer. You're an estate agent. That's someone who sells houses. And you mustn't be very good at it either if you spend so much time here. Maybe that's your reason for being here because you haven't got anything better to do. Get a life. You certainly haven't got much of one at the moment. How pathetic you are.
#5: Re: The beatings will continue till the morale improv: Definite signs of progressive unbalanced paranoid delusions. Call for the men in white coats! We've got a fruitcake here!!
#4: Re: equal or unbalanced: My, my Keiva. Run out of smart-assed words for replies? Sing us a song, won't you? All your replies seem to be inane, thoroughly pointless lyrics and stupid poems.

equal or unbalanced?

I'm equal. I'm very sure we all know that you're unbalanced, even if you don't realize it yourself.

(continued ... )