#13: Head up your ass!: And, yet again, Kenny babes purports to speak for the forum. By the 'virtue' of your latest reference your self-perceived superiority on this forum makes you a snob. And since few here admire snobbery therefore few here admire you. QED.

[quoting me]...

Oh, Kenny boy. Must I always have to point things out to you? This forum is worldwide! It's not just the US and to presume that everyone in this forum subscribes to the Declaration of Independence implies that you are being... what are the words? Oh, yes. Elitist and snobbish. And a racist too, for that matter.

Facts man. Get your facts right!
#12: X-bonus: And as a perpetrator, Kenny boy, nobody here condones your evil. Mad and evil.
#11: Re: the heavenly divine and an ephemeral moment: It is a shame that he has this much power over such a great group of friends. Enough to disband the group. I hate that the wisdom he has achieved has been abused to this end. I will miss the way this place was and the interaction between friends before he came here. God Bless You.

He has no power. He's a contemptible little man with no friends and no life. Laugh at the little man. He never has anything to say and spurts posts like a scratched record endlessly repeating himself. How boring can you get? If I were as drab as that sad man I'd end it all. Pathetic waste of space that he is.
#10: Things: [quoting me: I suspect I got tangled in my "little latin"." Keiva admits it. He knows little Latin. And little else besides. All he knows is what comes out of a book. He's a quoter, a plagiarizer. Basically a bastardizer of other peoples' work. A man of little brain and even less charisma.

(continued ...)