#16: paranoid syndrome?: Oh, Kenny boy. And what do you call those 10 desperate efforts at attention seeking which you posted in Q&A? Are they there to stimulate discussion too? Or are they just a childish attempt to garner friendship? Are you lonely Kenny? Sad and lonely? Have you no friends but those you fabricate? I'll be your friend Kenny. Really, I will. You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Are you frustrated by something Kenny boy? I feel frustration eminating from your posts. What could be the source of that frustration I wonder?
#15: Braindead Kenny: Hey, Kenny boy. Have you run out of words to put in front of your quotations? Not even a limerick or a song for us? Tut, tut.

Whenever will you join the land of the living? What a schmuck you are!
#14: Re: exam ex am example ample: Oh, what witty repartee, Kenny babes. You had me reeling there. And was the smiley thrown in to make up for your lack of reply?

You're a blow-hard, Kenny boy. You can only turn it on when you're bullying someone. What a coward. What a loser.

(continued ...)