Dear FF,

This brought a memory back to mind, and a little searching came up with the following:

1 The bells of hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling
2 For you but not for me:
3 And the little devils how they sing-a-ling-a-ling
4 For you but not for me.
5 O death, where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling,
6 O Grave, thy victor-ee?
7 The bells of hell go ting-a-ling-a-ling,
8 For you but not for me.

o Original Text: Songs and Slang of the British Soldier: 1914-1918, ed. John Brophy and Eric Partridge (London: Eric Partridge, 1930): 59.
o First Publication Date: ca. 1914-1918?
o Representative Poetry On-line: Editor, I. Lancashire; Publisher, Web Development Group, Inf. Tech. Services, Univ. of Toronto Lib.
o Edition: RPO 1998. © I. Lancashire, Dept. of English (Univ. of Toronto), and Univ. of Toronto Press 1998.