Dr Bill (and wow and others!) are RIGHT - this is no place for a philosophy thread. Sorry bout dat. I just find it an intriguing question....particularly given how wedded many people in this ol' world are, to being right. Ever noticed how some people know they're in the wrong, and yet they very much resent having it pointed out to them? A cyclist wrote a letter to our local daily paper t'other day that illustrated exactly this. Someone in a car nearly cut him off, and he gently pointed this out to the man - who growled and muttered and said he didn't cut the cyclist off. The whole conversation was related in the letter and it really was interesting. Same thing happens with road rage. Who hops out of his car and shoots or punches the other driver? Why, the aggressor. Some people don't like having it pointed out to them that they were wrong about something. Some people are pretty good about it, though....the same letter to the ed. talked about another situation in which someone passed the writer on the left on a cycle path (this was in North America, for those who drive on the wrong side - well, it's not the right side, is it!

) and he politely pointed it out to her - and she acknowledged she was in the wrong, and apologised. Good for her!
'K, enough of my pedantic ramblings about right and wrong.