Few here admire snobbery, snoot.

And, yet again, Kenny babes purports to speak for the forum. By the 'virtue' of your latest reference your self-perceived superiority on this forum makes you a snob. And since few here admire snobbery therefore few here admire you. QED.

And your comtemptuous claim to be a privileged elite clashes with the founding principle of this country: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal ...

Oh, Kenny boy. Must I always have to point things out to you? This forum is worldwide! It's not just the US and to presume that everyone in this forum subscribes to the Declaration of Independence implies that you are being... what are the words? Oh, yes. Elitist and snobbish. And a racist too, for that matter.

Facts man. Get your facts right!