Dear wsieber,

Then perhaps the question is to ask what is meant by "reality." I mean that, first of all, in the true-blue awadian school: it's historical meanings and ethymology. Heidegger discusses this with reference the real in "What is a Thing?" Which, to the extent I can remember it, deals with the Kantian forumulation of the real, which relates to "realm" (something mapable (describable)? relating to property?). In Kant (as I remember) according to that reading (as I remember) the real is the entirety of all those things that can be known. To be known, in that sense (as I remember) would be to be described in terms of number or of cause and effect. The real, then, is the mechanical universe, and all it's parts (including thoughts) are things. That may not satisfy, however, and it is possible that the real is a concept that exceeds itself.