a further point... its not so much a rule that we can't have games here, but games need to meet the function of the board.. this is not set up as game board, and since it in theory, if not in acuality, has members who post from all points of the globe, its hardly fair or fun to have games that are unable to particapate in, or if they do, they are at a handicap.

hogwash invites suggestions for a week or so, (and has a deadline,) then has another week to vote. so everyone in the world can play, on equal footing. personally i found it boring and slow. and never joined in.. but any one who wanted too, could. a game of similar to hang man might be divised that could be fairly played across 24 time zones, and several days.. but this game wasn't.

game sites have software that responds differently.. and makes games available 24 hours a day.. this has never been a game site, (and changing to one would require new software. has any asked Anu to host a word game site? that might be an other solution.