yes musick, as Silk Muse points out in the post above yours, as with any other unregulated resource, there's always going to be someone who gets destructive and turns the technology to the disadvantage of others.

which sort of creates a case for a kind of tyrany-- either every must must knuckle under to the site administrator, (here's hoping they are fair) or every one will be forced knuckle's under to a bully.

for 2 years we've played word games here, too, and always the rule was, 'we don't need no stinkin' rules' and it was true. No admistrator, no rules, no problems that lasted more than a week, no problem that jackie or someone wasn't able to resolve, quietly, behind the scenes, almost. and many who, for a moment, glared and growled, and threatened, gave way to her wisdom, and some are close friends now. what a world it was!

maybe we need a bot of our own.