This online community of wordlovers is bigger than any one person,
be it Keiva, Jackie, Anu, or anyone else. Let's not make this an
"either him or me" issue. Perhaps we can learn from English -- it accepts words
from all languages whether it's what some consider a "barbaric" tongue,
or a "refined" one. If we do not like a particular word, all we have
to do is ignore it, we do not need to tear out that page from the
dictionary. I do hope Jackie will be back as she has contributed
a lot and we all need her special love sprinkled on the board.

Anu, so sorry that I am a bit late in responding and saying my thanks to you. I have enjoyed this board, both as poster (before, a grandchild took a lot of my time) and as a reader (most of the time) of posts every night to unwind. I respect your integrity and will treasure this place as long as it is here. I hope to contribute more in the future.
There are still many of us who respect you and has not forgotten your vision for this place
Thank you.