Anu, it is now apparent that by giving in to Spector you have practically allowed the destruction of AWADtalk. Most unfortunate. I have greatly enjoyed AWAD in general and this board in particular, and with the poisonous atmosphere generated by "Keiva" sure to return, and with the departure of most of the people with whom I enjoyed exchanging views, I can not see that it can hold any further attraction for me. Unlike some of our members, I can not blame you for taking the action you did; it must have been a very difficult choice to make. I take this opportunity to thank you and express my admiration for what you did in establishing AWAD.

In the event that "Keiva" decides that wreaking further havoc is unsatisfying and he takes himself off, please let me know by email, or by a prominent post on AWADtalk (I may just look in from time to time to see if he's gone yet). Then perhaps AWADtalk can recover, provided there is some way to keep "Keiva" out.