This is a holiday week end in US, (Memorial day-- set up originally to commemorate the civil war dead, it is now a day to honor all who died in service to country)

The holiday is American as Apple pie.
Apple Pie is a bit of a yart, it comes from Apple Pie order, which is neat, orderly, and generally a good thing.. It is generally thought to be a hobson-jobsom of nappe pliee--folded sheets.. (it is an old yart!)

but let's not stop there.. the pliee of the phrase is from a root word for in Latin plicare, fold that shows up in english as complient (to bend ones will), pleat, folded fabric, complicate ! the twisted sense also leads to ply, (fold, twist, layer) as in two ply paper towels, Plywood, pliable! by another twist, ply means "travel a regualar route" or "solicit" (as in ply for hire).

here are other connected words.. maybe you can think of more..
apply, employ, perplex, supplicate, explicit, plight, reply, simple, supple....