Unless the person has to speak publicly on behalf of the company and would thereby cause embarassment to all, I think you should let it drop. Lots of people say lots of incorrect things that annoy me - nuc-KYU-ler, e.g., but I try to ignore it. Also, I know some people get irritated with my speech patterns - I often pronounce things incorrectly "Lou-uh-vll" "y'all" "fer." Somethings I will pronounce correctly if I think about it a second. If I catch myself, I'll say oil and not ole. One of my Indian buddies expressed intense annoyance at my pronunciation of Van-tast-ic. (I didn't mind him ragging me in this way and I think that while it irritated him, he also found a lot of amusement in correcting my English.)

I have this friend once, a Mensan, who no matter what another person is saying he feels he has to correct it. He was at work once and the foreman was giving them speech about the "place-cards." He was saying "place-cards this" and "place-cards" that. My friend interrupts him to say (and he can be *intensely* unpleasant while convinced that he is being very nice) "the word is PLACK-ARD." His boss was not happy.

I'm sure you would treat your coworker with much more sympathy, but I still think that unless you're very close to the person or it is a matter of professional image, that you should just let it drop. Many, *MANY* times I hear people say things and the image of Slip Mahoney comes to mind. I can't help but smile - but I never speak.
