> Hrmph...grumble, grumble...

"The time has come" the walrus said "to talk of many things"

Well, alright, mea culpa, I shouldn't be teasing folks on my first day out . To make a long story short...bel is a designation that means <the god> (avid sci-fi fans will recognize it from the Belgariad series of books). Marduk is a dragon in ancient Chinese mythology (I also found out it also designates a god of darkness, maelstrom and the underworld - yikes!). No, no, I am not being vain...I adopted the name after a writing class, (many moons ago) when a teacher asked us to write a story about something we had on our person or in our purses. I happen to have a pewter dragon in my purse (now THAT is a long story) - et voila, belMarduk was created. I like it. And I'm sure there will never be a slew of them out there on the www as in Suzie25, Cutie546.