This from the Wordwizard link:

I thought the Midwest was rife with inanities like that, but I've NEVER heard this term! Maybe it's an East Coast/Southern thing. The closest we have here is yelling "Slug Bug" (or, alternatively, "Punch Buggy") and hitting someone else in the arm when we see a Volkswagen Beetle. I still do this one--it's fun as long as you see the Beetle first. (Otherwise, you get a pretty sore arm! *G*)

Dec. 4, 2001

Response from K Allen Griffy (Springfield, IL - U.S.A.)

Now come on all of you Midwesterners, fess up! Who're the Slug Bug or Punch Buggy players among you!? Surely, you, musick... Whooah! You seem like the Punch Buggy type!

The Only WO'N!