I think it was Cleveland Amory who said (paraphrasing) :
Show me how a race treats its annimals and I will tell you what degree of civilisation it has attained.

If you could do so by a wave of your magic wand, which would you rather eliminate: rape, or foxhunts?
That's like the old question "Do you still beat your wife?" There is no answer that will satisfy.

WARNING -- Reminds me of a story though!-
Seems that Israel was having a big problem with the increasing incidence of rapes. The legislature (Knesset) suggested a remedy might be to impose a curfew requiring women to stay indoors after nightfall.
Gold Maier , then Prime Minister, said she thought the curfew was a good idea but that it would be more effective if it required men to stay indoors after sunset.
The Knesset dropped the idea!

Hmmmmmm could it have been that the legislators were predominantly men?