There is an article in this months Atlantic Monthly, about American's ability to remake them selves.

We do it all the time.. we move, change names, change careers, change everything we can.

Sometimes, it works. we make a new life for our selves, and don't make the same mistakes.. sometimes, it doesn't.

sometimes, we don't move far enough away, and our past catches up to us..

but-- Americans still hold the sacred the idea that we should be about to remake our selves, to start fresh.
That said...

we might have a wolf in sheep clothing, or we might not.

if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it is a duck-- but if it sort of looks like a duck, and makes some noise-- not quite quacking.. and the whole thing is pretty ugly-- we could call it ugly-- but maybe, if we wait a while, it might turn out to be an ugly duckling, or a swan.

Now, mind you, i might want to give the ugly duckling a lot of space.. i don't want to get to close to it.. but.. in the good old, old-fashioned american way, i am going to wait a while and see if i have a wolf in sheeps clothing-- or just one ugly sheep.. i am going to wait and see if the animal starts to quack like a duck.. or maybe its a swan..

there is no harm in a wait and see attitude..

(if this message seems bizzar, and coded.. well it is!)