Some persons afflicted with brain damage "confabulate" meaning they make statements with no factual background, often giving totally false personal history, but not in attempt to benefit from the deception.
One patient I well remember was an alcoholic with brain damage and loss of memory. In a group in the dayroom he told a yarn about having been a war correspondent in WWI.(He was too young for that to have been possible.) He told of going on a British warship sent to a small group of islands in the Pacific to persuage the Queen of the islands not to allow a German submarine to obtain water and other supplies there. The Captain of the warship had been especially instructed to do everything possible to secure the Queen's cooperation. So when the ship lay at anchor, and the Queen came aboard, the captain ordered "Battle Stations!" This called for all the seamen to line up along the rail, and empty their bladders, an ancient precaution to prevent large splinters of deck from penetrating urinary bladder if enemy cannonballs hit the planking. When the Queen saw this, she insisted on fellating each sailor. Then she demanded having sex with the Captain, and insisted on a position that resulted in both his legs getting broken. And from there it got wilder and wilder.
That's an extreme example of confabulatory pathologic fabricatory lying.

P.S. I solemnly deny being afflicted with this disorder.