Hey I am a severe sufferer of this condition. I do have a degree in music- so at least my repertoire is larger than Kid Rock and Eminem, but the manifestation IS quite bad. I pretty much have a tune in my head every waking minute. I subconciously tap my fingers or *tap my teeth.* Every time I go to the dentist they want to know if I grind my teeth in my sleep.

I do have a (blessing/curse) to absorb a melody without actually listening to it, (especially those vapid department store muzak tunes.)

My refuges are few. Alcohol doesn't do it, but some computer games do, for which I value them highly.

Christmas is an espcially bad time of the year, as you can imagine.

Its not crippling, but it sure is annoying.

I'd love a word for it too- at least so I can explain it better.