Checking past posts I see we have had the topic before... someone came up with a translation of ohrwurm as mindworm, which, though not really right, is not bad really.

Let me take the chance to talk about another annoying thing that happens when listening to music. Anybody who listens to a lot of music will know this problem.
All most every chain of notes that form a tune or every chord progression on the planet has been used more than a handful of times. For example the structure 1-4-5-4-1 is the basis for 'Wild Thing', 'Stand' (by R.E.M.), the verse of 'Walking in Sunshine', 'Summer Loving' (from Grease), and countless other songs. As such, when you hear most pop songs you can almost instantly hear two or three other songs in it - if you know a lot of music. One band whose songs sound like this are The Corrs. That 'Radio song is just two different bits of old songs (bits that don't fit mind you) put together to form a single. 'Covering' has become so common too, that one isn't even required to attribute the new version to any song either (i.e. ripping off). So you end up walking round thinking, 'Now where did I hear that riff then. Sometimes, hours later, you realise that the 'new' song is just a conglomerate of two or three old songs, depending on how much time the over-paid producer had on that day. But often you never find out - how annoying. Not as bad as hearing a really good song in the radio, then not finding out who wrote it though.
