Word Wind relates in an other thread:He says the family was so big that all he got from the chicken were the bones.edited at WW request-- --taken out of the context of the paragraph, the sentence wasn't quite right..

What a wonderful image..(sad, too)

in our house, if some one dug in and ate, and ate, and cleaned the plate, my dad-- would look at it, and comment, Whoee, you know, there used to be flower on that plate before you started!(he often used it on us kids as we scraped up the last drops of icecream from a bowl, too!)

It was a rare day when we didn't have some left overs, and we alway had an open door policy-- we kids could invite friends over for dinner, and--if we were worried about a friend, who we felt was eating enough, we would regularly invite them.

every once in a while dad's comment would cause some embaressment, but not for long, because we wouldn't let it, and every once in while some one wouldn't get the joke.

we've done some thread about regional idioms, but i don't thing we have exhausted the supply.

what are your family or local idioms for being hungry or well fed?