Welcome aBoard, RMW. You and milum both have square feet? My sympathies. What is the name for this medical condition, please?
Whoa--I didn't know "not worth a Continental" had spread clear to NZ! That's very interesting to me, because of a theory I've developed, based on reading that the Maaori (did I get that right, Max?) easily adapted parts of the European settlers' culture into their own. Having also been given the tidbit that current NZ'ers eagerly adopt the newest technology, I am now wondering if perhaps the Maaori malleability has had its turnabout influence on the pakeha (non-Maaori of European extraction).

Enough digression. I have also heard the expression "not worth a Continental damn". (Guessing on the spelling--was there ever a Continental dam?) WO'N, a long time ago we had a discussion on whether it was tinker's dam or damn. But I don't recall learning about the clay dam they made--thank you. Though--since it served a valuable purpose, I don't see how it could have come to mean valueless--unless it was the impermanence? [tangled thoughts emoticon]