
The link is too long for me to give here, so I have copied the piece:

"More victims of press hysteria

The news of the World's naming and shaming campaign over paedophiles last month is continuing to bring vigilante attacks against innocent people. The hysterical climate created by Rupert Murdoch's rag lay behind last week's attack on Yvette Cloete, a 42 year old doctor in Newport, South Wales.

She is a PAEDIATRICIAN at the Royal Gwent Hospital. Her home was attacked by people who had read that as a PAEDOPHILE. Days later a father and his three children escaped an arson attack on their home in Norwich in an incident the local police say is linked to the News of the World campaign.

The family was living in a flat which used to be occupied by a convicted sex offender. BBC radio also reported an attack on a young man in Nottingham who has learning difficulties. There was no apology from News of the World editor Rebekah Wade on Sunday for the mayhem she has helped to unleash."
