OK, since no one else has done this, I went to AWAD and looked it up:

Date: Mon May 21 00:21:12 EDT 2001
Subject: A.Word.A.Day--albedo
X-Bonus: Talking is like playing the harp; there is as much in laying the hand on the strings to stop their vibrations as in twanging them to bring out their music. -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., poet, novelist, essayist, and physician (1809-1894)

albedo (al-BEE-doh) noun

1. The fraction of light reflected from a body or surface.
For example, earth's albedo is around 0.39.

2. The white, spongy inner lining of a citrus fruit rind.

[From Late Latin albedo, whiteness, from Latin albus, white.]

"The more powerful magnetic fields generated by the Sun during maximum
activity are known to block many of the particles, which would
theoretically lead to less cloud cover and less reflection, or a lower
James Glanz, Scientists Find Way to Gauge Earth's Glow,
The New York Times, Apr 21, 2001.

"We don't need to tell you that oranges are full of vitamin C. But did you
know that the white membrane under the skin, called the albedo, contains
almost as much C as the flesh of the fruit itself?
Myra Kornfeld, Giving Thanks, Vegetarian Times (Stamford, CT), Nov 2000.

I have a friend who loves to eat the albedo of oranges so she was just thrilled there was a word for it!