Max, without commenting on the temperence of her response, you should realize that various people on this board have been pick-pick-picking away at her ever since she mentioned her modeling. And you also have to realize that her inital post was a productive one intended to be helpful and healing, and that although your point was quite well-taken, it did take the focus off the important thing she was saying.

It is gratifying to here you say, quite correctly, that violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. But it is a bit curiously selective of you to say so now, having said nothing of the sort when f-bombs have been lobbed in mid-February.

Edit: b-youth, you and I were posting simultaneously. I am very much agree with and admire what you said and, had I seen it, might well have not posted my own.

Max, may I suggest "Hate the sin but love the sinner"? One can object to a post ("violence") without attacking the poster ("incompetent").