Cheers, mate.

Thanks for the warm welcome Max, and for all who have pm'd - hope I have nearly replied to all now, but if not I'll do a complete public display of the private correspondence at the weekend ;)

The strange aberrations over unopenable threads continues with other variations thrown in as well – can it really be cookies in a new Windows XP installation?! Ugh. Oh, btw, it’s interesting how different the appearance of this site is on this posh little TFT monitor – colo(u)r rendition seems quite markedly changed, but hey, it’s probably still some cranky corners of this mountain of new software I am struggling to come to terms with!

Since, as you note, I seem to have stepped back in time to another lawyer-inspired flame war, can I just share the thought with everyone that like a cocktail party, the only way out is to ignore the guest you find offensive. Or have you all struggled to do that and it *still goes on and on, through the thousands of posts I have not yet read!?