Oh connie, look at this I had hoped to prod you into taking an active role as a peacemaker, but the hope was unavailing.

Sound to me, like some one held a gun to your head, said do as i say, or it will all be your fault. But hey that's him being nice. after all, this person decide they knew best, and as self appointed judge jury and exicutioner, the want you to be one of the hang men.

guess you and are lucky, we only got nice message from this person. I am glad you keep yours, unfortunately, i trash mail from some people, unopened. and i did a clean out a few weeks ago, and deleted the old posts as well.

any one is entitled to hold any opinion of other posters. but some new members, might want to ask themselves, why is it, that 30 or so regular posters, who can't agree on anything else, all manage to agree that one person is a disruptive influence.

it could be all 30 of us are wrong, and the 10 or so newer poster are right, but, at one point, i had the same opinion as the new posters. and no one on this board sent me warnings, or tried to poison my opinion, (in fact, the other has occured, some tried to convince me to give the guy one more chance.) I did sent several PM, when upset, that could be considered attempts at poisoning someone views. that person called me on, i stopped, and apologied, and we now have an OK relationship.