Howdy, Hinch! And welcome to our merry band of word marauders!

I got hooked on MST3K when I was working shift-work in the casinos. Since it came on late, it was the perfect thing for unwinding with its soothing potion of SF and laughter! I have about 75 episodes on tape!!!
It took me a little while to get into it, though. I remember flicking around, channel-surfing, and stopping on it for a bout 5 minutes now and then during its first year or so, and saying, "So these guys are ridiculing movies...big deal!" But one of those late nights after a hard shift and over an hour's commute, I hunkedered down and happened to started watching The Attack of the Eye Creatures!...and, finally, I "got" it! I was ROMFL!!! That's still one of my favorites. And the The Rebl Set. One of my favorite quips was during one of the shorts they sometimes showed...a foal was standing under her motherly mare, partaking of her milk, then suddenly walked away, and one of the guys said, "Oops! Sorry Pop!" The "John Banner-o-gram" was another classic bit from the show...(you just had to see it folks, can't explain it). Great material! Good, heady fiction fans who like to laugh are missing a real treat if they missed this one!

And I really liked the chemistry Joel had with the 'bots...when he left and Mike took over it wasn't quite the same for me (though still good...just nothing like it!). Mike always did some great work in the sketch segments, too! (not to mention that he was the head writer)